Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Pemalang Regency

Pemalang Regency

Pemalang Regency is regency in Central Java Province. The capital city of Pemalang regency is Pemalang. Pemalang regency bordered with Java Sea in the north, Pekalongan Regency in the east, Purbalingga Regency in the south, and Tegal Regency in the west.
In the north of Pemalang Regency is lowland, and in the south side are mountainous, which the top is Slamet Mountain, the highest mountain in Central Java. The biggest river is Comal River, which empty into Java Sea.
The capital city of this regency located in tip of North west, border with Tegal Regency. Pemalang located in Pantura lane Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya. Beside that there is also province road which connected Pemalang with Purbalingga. One of the famous tourism object in Pemalang is Widuri Beach.
Pemalang Regency is one of regency in Central Java Province which located in north beach Java Sea. Astronomically Pemalang Regency located between 1090 17' 30" - 1090 40' 30" East Longitude and 80 52' 30" - 70 20' 11" South Latitude.
From Semarang (The Capital City of Central Java Province), this regency located about 135km to the west, or about 2 – 3 hours by riding vehicle. The wide of Pemalang Regency is 111.530 km square. In the north this area bordered with Java Sea, in the south bordered with Purbalingga Regency, in the east bordered with Pekalongan Regency, and in the west bordered with Tegal Regency. After all, Pemalang Regency has strategic location, good for trade and administration.
Distribution Administration
Pemalang Regency consists of 14 regencies, which divided into many villages and political district. The centre of administration located in Pemalang Regency.
Beside Pemalang, there are also the others regencies which significant enough like Comal, Petarukan, Ulujami, Randudongkal dan Moga.
The majority of tribe in Pemalang Regency is Java Tribe. In the west and south part, the inhabitant using Java language with Tegal dialect, while in the east part like in Panarukan, Comal, Ulujami, Ampelgading and Bodeh using Java language with Pekalongan dialect.
Like the larger cities of Tegal, to its west, and Pekalongan, to the east, Pemalang was dominated in the nineteenth century by sugar production. The area was known for its fertile soil, which had made it a rich rice-growing region. By the end of the nineteenth century the coastal plain, the most fertile part of the regency, was almost completely used for sugar cultivation, divided among five major plantations. Under the Japanese occupation during World War II, Pemalang's fertility provided needed rice for the Japanese war effort. The occupiers set high quotas for production, causing food shortages because little was left to remain in the village after meeting the quota.
Home Industry
Glagah Broom from Majalangu
Snake skin handicraft in Comal
ATBM in Wanarejan
Convection in Ulujami
Other Information
The special food of Pemalang is nasi grombyang, lontong dekem, sate loso, kamir and apem comal. The famous food is crab and sweet sour small crab.
The famous tourism objects are Blendung Beach, Water Boom in Widuri Beach and Cempaka Wulung in high land Moga
The famous arts and cultures in Pemalang are Baritan , Kuntulan and Sintren.
Famous Figure
Toro Margen, actor
Hendra Setiawan, badminton athlete.
Kristina, dangdut singer.

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